Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Aneka Buku cerita anak

Story Book Set Pooh 48rb/set sold out

ukuran 15x15cm

terdiri dari 6 buah buku, dilengkapi dengan kotak-nya


why does it have to rain?

what is that rumbly in my tummy?

how do you hop so high?

why don't things fall up?

is my shirt getting smaller?

does it float?

Story Book Set Pooh uk besar 20x20cm 70rb/set sold out
1 set terdiri dari 6 buku (dilengkapi dgn kotak) dgn judul :
why does it have to rain?
what is that rumbly in my tummy?
how do you hop so high?
why don't things fall up?
is my shirt getting smaller?
does it float?

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